Somewhere mid april 2017 I was listening to a song on the radio. This song reminded me of the time when I would create custom maps for Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare.
It made me want to create a new Search and Destroy map. Search and Destroy is the gametype within Call of Duty 4, that I played most since it was (and still is) the gamemode that is played competitively and professionally.
I had some time off and started sketching. After a few hours I had the layout complete and after some more I could walk around a barebone map.
Over the following weeks I dedicated all my free time into this project. Working on it until 4 am for about 2 to 3 weeks. After these first few weeks I first playtested it with friends and they said it already felt like a original Call of Duty 4 map. This playtested made me redo some parts of the map.
After these weeks I sadly dropped interest. Since I still would like to share this UNFINISHED map with the world I felt like publishing it on my website. Before I did this I added a minimap, a custom loading screen and support for a all other default gamemode.
The map supports ALL the normal gamemodes: Free For All (/gametype dm), Team Deathmatch (/gametype war), Domination (/gametype dom), Sabotage (/gametype sab), Search and Destroy (/g_gametype sd) and Headquaters (/gametype koth).
Please feel free to contact me for any feedback or if you would like to play against me on my own map!
Note: This map has not been optimized, doesn't have reflection enabled, wasn't heavily tested, and is only to be used in promod.